Mike the Apeman was born a poor, black child in the heart of New Jersey in 1974. After being mistaken for a pile of poo, he was whisked away and found himself being raised by primates in the jungles of Africa. Getting a rough start like that makes it only fitting that he would grow up into a very vocal person with a lot of anger. Ranting about anything and everything wrong with the world and with people became his favorite pastime. This eventually brought him in contact with the owner of No Holds Barred Radio, where he did a stint as a "permanent guest" for about 18 months. Tired of the man keeping him down there, oppressing the anger instead of harnessing it, the time came for Our Hero to start doing things his way, and speaking about the world in a way that only he could. Thus, The Apeman Cometh was born.
The Apeman Cometh is a rant-turned-podcast where Mike the Apeman speaks his mind about everything that is wrong in the world. You may find yourself offended when you listen...like that's a bad thing. Taking offense means you're passionate about your views. You may stop and think that what you're hearing is what you've been thinking all along. Part of Apeman's goal is to say the things no one else will. Being politically correct sure isn't one of Apeman's strong points, but being truthful and honest with his feelings is. Of course, you may laugh at the presentation methods, because humor is the universal lubricant for truth (Just ask guys like Lewis Black), and the humor is nothing more than the spoonful of sugar to the medicine that is the truth, helping you to swallow it.
New episodes, as well as old ones, are not available for the time being. Please see the news on the main page for the reason why. Rest assured that Apeman and crew are trying to find a new way to bring you guys TAC Episodes, but in the meantime be sure to catch Apeman LIVE every other Monday as part of PTR Radio by going to www.ptrradio.com.
For those who were interested, you can now download the intro music and outro music from The Apeman Cometh by clicking the links below: